Monday, July 18, 2011


Alright, so I am dying my hair black in a few days using ion from sally's. I have a bit of mixing for this and want advice. I plan on using jet black which has a violet undertone and mixing it with dark golden brown obviously which has a gold undertone in a 1 to 1 ratio in order to create a soft, neutral-based brown-black. Now for the red tones already in my hair, I plan on using two packets of Ardell red/gold corrector in my dye mix. Oh, I also plan on using a 10 volume developer (3% hydrogen peroxide) because all I am doing is darkening my hair. Is there any huge error I am making that I'm not seeing that is gonna blow up in my face? I know you are allowed to mix ion colors together, so that's not a problem. Thanks a lot. :)

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